by Tennessee Williams
directed by Soren Oliver
handbells by me
The classic story of a damaged mother, a damaged daughter, and the son torn between helping and escaping.
Gentlemen Callers …
by Tennessee Williams
directed by Soren Oliver
handbells by me
The classic story of a damaged mother, a damaged daughter, and the son torn between helping and escaping.
Gentlemen Callers …
by Tennessee Williams
direct by Lee Sankowich
tenor sax by Damien Masterson
soprano sax by Peter MacDonough
flute by Mitch Marcus
clarinet by Mitch Marcus
violin by Randy Weiss
bass …
by Jeffrey Hatcher from Henry James
directed by Lee Sankowich
violin by Randy Weiss
cello by a SF Conservatory of Music student, name lost forever
vocals by Jenny Lord and …
by Doug Holsclaw
directed by Danny Scheie
lyrics but Doug Holsclaw
vocals by Doug Holsclaw, Brian Yates, PA Cooley, Alexis Lezin, Sandy Schlecter
Three queens are forced to attend cosmetology …
by William Shakespeare
directed by Albert Takazauckas
lyrics by William Shakespeare
vocals by Ken Stegmiller, Gerson Perla
mandolin by Jeff Terflinger
Beatrice, Benedick, et al, set in the 1940s.
by Keith Curran
directed by Danny Scheie
A closeted soap opera star tries to save his career, with hilarious results.
Archer Pippin Cable Awards Cody And Lester Tango Debbie Plangent …
by Mayo Simon
directed by Lee Sankowich
Two elderly women neighbors, one blind and one demented, learn to take care of each other.
Brazil In The Park Dancing Hands I …
by Christopher Gillis
choreographed by Christopher Gillis
Modern dance at City Center in Manhattan with the Paul Taylor Dance Company.
Curbs & Corridors
by Marc Camoletti
directed by: Kim Richards
Don’t Dress For Dinner Tango Kim’s Tango
produced by Sean Owens
vocals: Sean Owens
Ad spots for the San Francisco Union Square hotel
Warm Friendly Service Awe-Inspiring Design Unforgettable Wine Hour